
LaunchGood LaunchGood is a crowdfunding startup that showcases the things Muslims across the world are involved in from philanthropy to entrepreneurship, to education, to innovation.


The holiest month in Islam is Ramadan, the month when the Qur'aan (Islam's holy book), and the month where Muslims are supposed to focus on getting closer to God and improving themselves.

Ramadan also comes with a variety of spiritual incentives, one being that any good deed is multiplied 70x. To take advantage, many Muslims generally donate a lot more money to various causes and projects.

Ramadan Challenge 2018

LaunchGood created a product in 2016 around this to help Muslims around the world support things they care about and help amplify the impact that campaign creators have in Ramadan. This is the challenge from 2018, which included tweaks year over year as the team learned from the previous Ramadan Challenges.

This is essentially LaunchGood's tax season, since around 50% of the year's revenue could come just the month of Ramadan.


Time frame: ~4-5 months while working on other things


  • Ideation for various features
  • Wireframes, flows, error states, navigation, etc.
  • UI design collaboration - hiearchy, copy, edge cases etc. (not too much visual design)
  • UI development

Project/Product Management:

  • Collaboration with engineers, marketing, and leadership to coordinate feasibility, roll out strategy, etc.
  • Writing stories, leading sprint planning design/dev collaboration sessions, etc.
  • Managing backlog of bugs/issues flowing in from customer support
  • Set up product overview document to align the team on the product goals, KPIs, components, timelines, etc.
  • Creating hypothesis statements to test small changes out and recording results

Research and Analytics:

  • Analytics of user flows and conversion metrics through FullStory funnels to help find and fix usability and bugs
  • Wrote surveys to capture feedback from users



Onboarding flow for a new member. We also had a quick re-signup option as well for those who already participated in previous challenges.

Grid and day view

Grid view and day view
This is what a challenge member's summary and day view looked like.


Leaderboard and invite friends screen. The Umrah sweepstakes was new in this year's challenge and was tied to getting raffle entries based on days donated and friends invited.

Catch Up

Catch Up
The catch up feature attempted to make it easier for challenge members to get to 100% completion by consolidating missed days in one area. We considered allowing a catch up in one click, but that posed too many technical challenges in the case of refunds or campaigns not being funded or cancelled, etc.

Design challenges

One challenge we had was this was the first product where the rebranded UI, old UI, and design system I led the creation of had to somehow get morphed and meshed together due to technical and time constraints.

Another challenge was upfront user research. We didn't really have much capacity as a small startup strapped for time and cash to go out and do full on user research, especially because the product team was so new and the team was fully remote. However, we leveraged feedback via the fantastic customer support team, analytics, users messaging team members, surveys, etc. to do what we could given our constraints. We were able to convince the CEO to pay for FullStory since it helped out a lot with seeing usability issues, finding bugs, and tracking various flows and metrics.

Results and Insights

  • Total Crowdfunded from the challenge: $2.06M, with $7.23M during the month total across the entire LG platform
  • Average participation: 18/30 days. Average daily donation: $10.64
  • 27,625 signups with 38.92% participation (donated at least 1 day)
  • 36% of participants completed the challenge, contributing to $966k (~48% of funds raised)
  • 80% of funds raised during the challenge were from donors who donated as part of last year's challenge
  • Manual donors (received daily email reminder) were 34% of donors and they contributed 47% of challenge donations, while auto donors (auto-charged daily) were 61% of donors and they contributed 49% of challenge donations.

A few other things I worked on while at LaunchGood